J. Faith Barnett, Curriculum Vitae


2016  M.Ed Secondary Education, Art Education

Delta State University — Cleveland, MS

2012  BFA in Graphic Design and Photography

Delta State University — Cleveland, MS

2007 AA in Fine Arts

Mississippi Delta Community College — Moorhead, MS


2023 Mississippi Department of Education, K-12 Education, Visual Art (since 2016)

Full-time Teaching Experience

2022 - Present Instructor, Pearman Elementary School

Visual Arts

2022 - Present Instructor, Hayes Cooper Center

Visual Arts

2020 – 2022 Instructor, Lafayette Middle School

Visual Arts

2018 – 2020 Instructor, South Panola High School

Visual Arts

Digital Photography

2016 – 2018 Instructor, Cleveland Central Middle School

Digital Media Arts, Journalism; Layout and design

Part-time Teaching Experience

2021 Instructor, Tishamingo Arts Council
Led a cell phone photography course that was composed of digital photography methods through
cellphone technology. The course was structured around composition, lighting, and visual storytelling. 

2015 Instructor, Artist in Residence, Delta Arts Alliance

Led an after school program that was composed of digital photography methods that introduced
students to digital photography and post-processing with Photoshop which culminated in a final exhibition
of the student’s work and experiences. Awarded Artist in Residence of the Fall Semester, 2017

2016 Instructor, Delta Hands for Hope

Led a semester-long program course instructing students on the productions of documentary photography
through a grant funded by the Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area. The students produced a short
film presented during the Take Me to The River film screening and live performance at the Mississippi
Grammy Museum. Through this experience, the students interacted with their community elders to ask,
“How has music influenced our community?”

2015 Instructor, Sunflower County Freedom Project

Led a visual arts summer course that introduced students to the basics of visual arts which culminated in
a final exhibition of the students’ work and experiences.


2013 - Present Independent Contract Photographer & Graphic Designer

Mississippi Roots Photography

Freelance photographer and graphic designer focusing on visual imagery for growing clientele.
Notable Clients: Charles Sullivan, Delta Deep Roots, Cleveland, MS; Delta Cotton Belles, Greenville,
MS; The Harris Law firm, Greenville, MS; Delta Arts Alliance, Cleveland, MS; Betzenzo, Cleveland, MS;
Salon Sarah Elizabeth, Greenville, MS; BARREG Weddings, Cleveland, MS, Luxe Fashion, Greenville, MS,
The Depot Antique Mall, Oxford, MS

2010-2013 Nancy’s Hallmark Stationery & Gifts

Stationary designer and sales representative. Designed stationary such as invitations, hand-pressed
lettering for party supplies, monogramming, print publication and website design for the business, and
completed sales for the storefront.



2021 Spotlight Artist, Tishomingo Arts Council, Iuka, MS

2015 The Malvina Project, Studio 230 Annex, Cleveland, MS
2013 Graduate Student Thesis Show, Fielding Wright Art Gallery, Cleveland, MS

2012 Juried Member Exhibition, Delta Artist Association, Lake Village, AR


2023 The Bolivar Bullet, Cleveland, MS

2021 Delta Ag Journal, Coopwood Publishing Group, Cleveland, MS
The Leland Progress, Leland, MS

2017 Delta Magazine: Wedding Edition, Coopwood Publishing Group, Cleveland, MS
Inspire Mississippi: Wedding Edition, BARREG|Weddings, Jackson, MS

2014 Life in the Delta Magazine, 1st Ag Edition, Shamoon Marketing & Advertising, Greenville, MS

2012 The Bolivar Bullet, Coopwood Publishing Group, Cleveland, MS


2018 Outstanding Facilitation of Rigor & Relevance in Education, Cleveland Central Middle School,
Cleveland, MS

2016 Artist in Residence of The Fall Semester, Delta Arts Alliance, Cleveland, MS

2014 The Delta Calendar, January & June, Shamoon Advertising & Marketing, Greenville, MS

2011 Honorable Mention, Guachoya, Annual Juried Member Exhibition, Delta Artist Association,
Lake Village, AR

Professional Memberships:
2023 National Art Education Association (since 2016)
Mississippi Art Education Association (Since 2016)
Mississippi Art Educators (Since 2018)
Delta Arts Alliance
Delta Artists Association

Conferences/Workshops Attended:

2022 MAEA Fall Conference, Jackson, MS, Fall 2022

2012 NAEA Spring Conference, New Orleans, MS, Spring 2012
MAEA Fall Conference, Jackson, MS Fall 2012